
 Theodor Kittelsen 

 Eilif Peterssen 

 Mikhail Nesterov 

 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 

 Caspar David Friedrich 

 Hans Thoma 

 George Inness 


 Percy Bysshe Shelley 

 Algernon Charles Swinburne 

 Rainer Maria Rilke 

 Arthur Rimbaud 

 Lord Byron 

 Lord Tennyson 

 Thomas Stearns Eliot 

 John Keats 

 William Wordsworth 

 William Blake 

 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

 William Butler Yeats 








 Jordi & Arianna Savall 


          Draw On, Sweet Night

            Draw on, sweet Night, best friend unto those cares
            That do arise from painful melancholy;
            My life so ill [through] want of comfort fares,
            That unto thee I consecrate it wholly.

            Sweet Night, draw on; my griefs, when they be told
            To shades and darkness, find some ease from paining;
            And while thou all in silence dost enfold,
            I then shall have best time for my complaining.

John Wılbye


          In the Village

            The hounds are barking, their chains are rattling;
            Men are asleep in their beds,
            They dream of the things they do not have,
            Find refreshment in good and bad things.
            And tomorrow morning everything is vanished.
            Yet still, they have enjoyed their share,
            And hope that what remains to them,
            Might still be found on their pillows.

            Bark me away, you waking dogs!
            Let me not find rest in the hours of slumber!
            I am finished with all dreaming 
            Why should I linger among sleepers?

Wılhelm Müller



            Asleep lie mountain-top and mountain-gully,
            shoulder also and ravine;
            the creeping-things that come from the dark earth,
            the beasts whose lying is upon the hillside,
            the generation of the bees,
            the monsters in the depths of the purple brine
            all lie asleep, and with them the tribes of the winging birds.




            Bulkeley, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Meriam, Flint,
            Possessed the land which rendered to their toil
            Hay, corn, roots, hemp, flax, apples, wool, and wood.
            Each of these landlords walked amidst his farm,
            Saying, “’Tis mine, my children’s and my name’s.
            How sweet the west wind sounds in my own trees!
            How graceful climb those shadows on my hill!
            I fancy these pure waters and the flags
            Know me, as does my dog: we sympathize;
            And, I affirm, my actions smack of the soil.”

            Where are these men? Asleep beneath their grounds:
            And strangers, fond as they, their furrows plough.
            Earth laughs in flowers, to see her boastful boys
            Earth-proud, proud of the earth which is not theirs;
            Who steer the plough, but cannot steer their feet
            Clear of the grave.
            They added ridge to valley, brook to pond,
            And sighed for all that bounded their domain;
            “This suits me for a pasture; that’s my park;
            We must have clay, lime, gravel, granite-ledge,
            And misty lowland, where to go for peat.
            The land is well,—lies fairly to the south.
            ’Tis good, when you have crossed the sea and back,
            To find the sitfast acres where you left them.”
            Ah! the hot owner sees not Death, who adds
            Him to his land, a lump of mould the more.
            Hear what the Earth say:—


                “Mine and yours;
                Mine, not yours.
                Earth endures;
                Stars abide—
                Shine down in the old sea;
                Old are the shores;
                But where are old men?
                I who have seen much,
                Such have I never seen.

                “The lawyer’s deed
                Ran sure,
                In tail,
                To them and to their heirs
                Who shall succeed,
                Without fail,

                “Here is the land,
                Shaggy with wood,
                With its old valley,
                Mound and flood.
                But the heritors?—
                Fled like the flood's foam.
                The lawyer and the laws,
                And the kingdom,
                Clean swept herefrom.

                “They called me theirs,
                Who so controlled me;
                Yet every one
                Wished to stay, and is gone,
                How am I theirs,
                If they cannot hold me,
                But I hold them?”

            When I heard the Earth-song
            I was no longer brave;
            My avarice cooled
            Like lust in the chill of the grave.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


  Draw On, Sweet Night  

  In the Village  





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